10 Bizarre Facts About Sex You Probably Didn’t Know Until Now

Sex as a unique expression of intimacy appears to have numerous benefits for one’s life and health (and also risks), as many studies have shown: it’s a stress reliever, it reduces the risk of cancer (especially prostate cancer in men), reduces pain in many cases, improves sleep and can even cure insomnia in some instances, it even enhances skin and overall health.

The above are things virtually everyone knows about sex. Now here are 10 Bizarre Facts About Sex You Probably Didn’t Know.

10 Bizarre Facts About Sex You Probably Didn’t Know

1. According to The State University of New York study, semen can help fight depression. Semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, and induce sleep. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase feelings of affection in the brain.

2. The average female orgasm lasts twenty seconds—fourteen seconds longer than the male orgasm.

3. Studies have shown that eighty-five percent of men who die of heart attacks during intercourse were cheating on their wives. Hmmm, guilty consciences I suppose.

4. During an average man’s lifetime, he will ejaculate approximately seventeen liters of semen, which amounts to about half a trillion sperm.

5. When a man ejaculates, the initial spurt travels at twenty-eight miles an hour—faster than the world record for the 100-meter sprint, which currently stands at 27.49 miles an hour.

6. A teaspoon of semen contains approximately five calories. Half an hour of intense sex burns off an average of one hundred to two hundred calories.

7. Despite many people using it as a common excuse to avoid sex, sex can actually relieve a headache since it releases the tension, which restricts blood vessels in the brain.

8. During sexual intercourse, in addition to the genitals and breasts, the inner nose also swells.

9. A teaspoon of semen contains approximately five calories. Half an hour of intense sex burns off an average of one hundred to two hundred calories.

10. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the ecstatic high people experience in sexual attraction and love.


Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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