Africa’s First ‘ATM Pharmacy’ Launched In SA

A suburb in south Africa is now home to the latest in medical-dispensing technology.

Africa's First 'ATM Pharmacy' Launched In South Aafrica

A Johannesburg suburb of Alexandra in South Africa is now home to Africa’s first Pharmacy Dispensing Unit (PDU) – a self-service ATM-style unit that gives patients with chronic illnesses their repeat medication, reportedly in under three minutes.

The unique innovation is the first in Africa, and comes after years of trials and technological developments in the medical and tech fields by experts from Right to Care and Right ePharmacy in collaboration with the Gauteng department of health.

The shortage of pharmaceutical personnel in south Africa which has had a significant impact on the delivery of pharmaceutical services and the ability to provide continuous availability of medicines in the public sector was what prompted this unique innovation.

The medication (ATM Pharmacy) is dispensed in a simple five-step process:

Africa's First 'ATM Pharmacy' Launched In SA
ATM Pharmacy

• Patient scans barcoded ID book, ID card or pharmacy card and enters PIN;

• Patient talks to a remote pharmacist;

• The prescription and / or items are selected;

• The medicine is robotically dispensed and labelled, and drops into the collection slot;

• Patient takes receipt, which indicates next collection date.

Fanie Hendriksz, managing director of Right ePharmacy, says the PDUs might increase patients’ adherence to their medication in South Africa – a crucial obstacle in the path toward equitable healthcare in the country.

“This pharmacy enhances access to quality pharmaceutical services and improves patient convenience. The early benefits have shown valuable patient and community data trends that are needed to improve patient outcomes. The technology is making it easier for people with various illnesses to have access to medication, ultimately improving adherence.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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