Half of the World’s Extremely Poor People Live in These 5 Countries

According to world bank, 736 million extreme poor live in five countries as at 2015. The countries are India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh.The report also suggests that Nigeria is now the country with the poorest people in the world using 2018 projections.

Half of the World's Extremely Poor People Live in These 5 Countries

India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh houses half of the world’s extremely poor people, according to a World Bank report. In a recently released Poverty and Shared Prosperity report 2018, titled “ Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle, ” by World Bank, 368 million, out of world’s 736 million extreme poor live in the five countries (in descending order) as at 2015.

These countries are also the most populous countries of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, the two regions that together account for 85% (629 million) of the world’s poor.

The report states that “ to make significant continued progress towards the global target of reducing extreme poverty (those living on less than R26.03 a day) to less than 3% by 2030, large reductions in poverty in these five countries will be crucial. The report using consumption in 2015 for both India and Nigeria based on projections, not direct enumerations of consumption from recent household surveys, suggests that Nigeria is now the country with the poorest people in the world.

These are the countries with the poorest people in the world:

1. India

Survey year: 2011
Number of poor: 175.7 million

2. Nigeria

Survey year: 2009
Number of poor: 86.5 million

3. Democratic Republic of Congo

Survey year: 2012
Number of poor: 55.1 million

4. Ethiopia

Survey year: 2010 and 2015
Number of poor: 27.0 million

5. Bangladesh

Survey year: 2010 and 2016
Number of poor: 24.4 million


Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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