Prosthetic Penis: A Final Solution For Erectile Dysfunction

Hehe… Yeah, prosthetic Penis. I always knew this day would come. To those of you out there who dont know, a Prosthetic Penis or penile prosthetics is an artificial penis… And are of two types non-inflatable device and the inflatable device.


Prosthtics penis
This is a semi-rigid device that consists of malleable plastic rods implanted into the ‘erection chambers’ of the penis through an incission made at the junction of the penis and scrotum. These can then be manually bent into a straight position when required for penetration (cool huh).
With the inflatable device, you only need to hold the penis and move it into the desired position to have an erection, and when you are finished you return the penis to the previous position.


Erectile dysfunction
A inflatable prosthetic penis has inflatable plastic cylinders instead of rods, placed in the erection chambers. These inflatable cylinders fill with water when a pump located in the scrotum is squeezed.
The patient can then control the firmness by pumping until satisfied with the erection.

The water for giving an erection is stored in a reservoir chamber in the abdomen, and this moves down to the penis when the pump is squeezed.

Does it Affect Sensitivity?

No it does not affect sensitivity in any way, this is because the prosthesis is internal and not external,.. You see it is inserted into the penis through an incision made at the junction of the penis and scrotum. Because of this, it does not affect sensitivity or the ability to ejaculate…

Main Reason Why People Get A Prosthetic Penis?

There are lots of reasons why people choose to have a penile implant, but one of the main reason is erectile dysfunction – a very common condition: among men between the ages of 40-70.

Ordinarily, Erectile Disfunction (the inability of a man to obtain or sustain an erection), is treated by tackling the cause of the problem, be it physical or psychological.

But if a patient has already tried tablets, injections, etc and there is still no improvement whatsoever, the NHS suggest this is when it -prosthetic penis- can be considered as an option.

Dont know about you guys, but when i clock 45 i’m gon get me a prosthetic penis., by then it must have reached Africa. Hehe


Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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