White Desert National Park is a national park in Egypt, first established as a protected area in 2002. It is located in the Farafra depression, 45 km north of the town of Farafra.
The park is renowned for its cliffs, sand dunes (part of the Great Sand Sea) and white sand rock formations created through erosion by wind and sand.
In the White desert there are abstracts Statues look like hawks, mushrooms, camels, ostriches – or whatever you can recognize.

According to atlas obscura the calcium rock formations which were formed by centuries of erosion and sandstorms, crop up across the landscape like great abstract statues. Some that resemble food have been given names like “mushroom” and “ice-cream cone.
The White abstract shapes change their color depending on the time of day, shifting from brilliant white to creamy, then reaching a golden brown.
Visited by many visitors around the world, it is one of the greatest attractions in Egypt beside the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
Much of the white desert is accessible only by four-wheeled drive or, a perfectly healthy four legged camel.