Creation Story

The Creation Story of the Efé People of DR Congo

According to the Efé creation myth, their story begins with the divine hand of God crafting the first human being, named Baatsi. Using clay as his medium, God sculpted the form of a man.

The Creation Story of the Fang people of Africa

According to Fang mythology, in the beginning, there was only Nzame, the supreme being, who encompassed three distinct aspects: Nzame, Mebere, and Nkwa. Nzame, the creative force, embarked on the task of forming the universe and breathing life into the earth

The Shilluk People’s Creation Narrative: How the Different Races on Earth Were Created

According to the Shilluk people of south sudan, the creator Juok played a central role in fashioning humanity from clay, assigning different complexions to the various races based on the colors of the clay he used.

The Origin Story of the Bukusu People of East Africa

A creation myth is an account of how the world got started and how humans initially inhabited it. They are present in almost all known religious systems on earth and are frequently regarded as sacred stories.. Creation myths, which are...

The Creation Story of the Akamba People of Kenya

In the beginning, Mulungu the creator is said to have formed a man and a woman in heaven before placing them on a rock in on earth, where it is said that their footprints, as well as the footprints of their animals, can still be seen today.

Unkulunkulu, the creator God of the Zulus

Unkulunkulu is the Supreme Creator of the Zulu people, a large ethnic group in South Africa.

Woyengi, the Creator Goddess of the Ijaw People of Nigeria

Woyengi is the creator goddess of the Ijo people of Nigeria. She is also known as the goddess of fate in certain depictions.

Names of God in Traditional African Religions

Although Africa's religious population are mostly Christains and Muslims, there are still some who venerate the traditional Gods worshipped by their ethnic region, or household.

The Traditional Religious Beliefs of the Serer People of West Africa

The Serer religion, or a ƭat Roog ("the way of the Divine"), is the original religious beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Serer people of Senegal in West Africa.

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa; and each pair became the four elements, the four directions, as corners in the framework of the world's creation.
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