
Top 10 Poorest Countries In Africa, 2025

Burundi ranks as the poorest country in Africa, with a reported per capita GDP of $239. Approximately 70% of Burundi's population lives in poverty according to the world food program.

Child Mortality: Child Loss is Devastatingly Common Among Mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Study Reveals

The researchers found that more than half of 45- to 49-year-old mothers have experienced the death of a child under age five. Nearly two-thirds have experienced the death of any child, irrespective of age. Though the child mortality rate has...

Nigeria Ends 2018 with 90.8 Million People Living in Extreme Poverty

Nigeria continues to cement its status as the poverty capital of the world as more people continue to slip into extreme poverty. An estimated 90.8 million Nigerians are living in extreme poverty as 2018 winds down to a close. It was...

Increasing Hunger Pushes Children into Sex Trade in Congo

Women and girls are going into prostitution and selling their bodies for food or selling their bodies for money to buy food. Image source Hunger has doubled in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a year, with 15 million people...
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