These are the Top 20 Saddest Countries in Africa, 2019

South Sudan tops the list of Saddest nations in not just Africa followed by Central African Republic and Tanzania, according to the 7th World Happiness Report.

(Here’s the latest report: Top 20 Happiest (and Saddest) Countries in Africa 2020)

Top 20 Saddest Countries in Africa, 2019

The new report by Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global initiative for the United Nations, with analytics from Gallup ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.

This year’s World Happiness Report focuses on happiness and the community: how happiness has evolved over the past dozen years – on the technologies, social norms, conflicts and government policies that have driven those changes.

The report is an acknowledgement that GDP, household income and unemployment data do not tell us anything about happiness.

“This means that leaders can no longer assume that the lives of those in their countries improve with a rise in GDP, as was shown in the Arab Uprising countries where GDP was increasing but the ratings of their lives trended downward ahead of the unrest,” the report said.

According to the report published on Wednesday to commemorate the World Happiness Day, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Central African Republic and South Sudan are the five countries on the bottom line of the happiness ranking.

These are the Top 20 Saddest Countries in Africa

Top 20 Saddest Countries in Africa, 2019

Sierra Leone

Rank in Africa: 20th
Rank in World: 28th


Rank in Africa: 19th
Rank in World: 25th


Rank in Africa: 18th
Rank in World: 23rd


Rank in Africa: 17th
Rank in World: 22nd


Rank in Africa: 16th
Rank in World: 21st


Rank in Africa: 15th
Rank in World: 20th


Rank in Africa: 14th
Rank in World: 19th


Rank in Africa: 13th
Rank in World: 18th


Rank in Africa: 12th
Rank in World: 16th


Rank in Africa: 11th
Rank in World: 15th


Rank in Africa: 10th
Rank in World: 14th


Rank in Africa: 9th
Rank in World: 13th


Rank in Africa: 8th
Rank in World: 12th


Rank in Africa: 7th
Rank in World: 11th


Rank in Africa: 6th
Rank in World: 9th


Rank in Africa: 5th
Rank in World: 7th


Rank in Africa: 4th
Rank in World: 5th


Rank in Africa: 3rd
Rank in World: 4th

Central African Republic

Rank in Africa: 2nd
Rank in World: 2nd

South Sudan

Rank in Africa: 1st
Rank in World: 1st

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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