Check out the list below to find out the most grossest facts about the human body, our body.
1. Your body gives off enough heat in 1hr to bring a gallon of water to a boil. If you’ve seen the Matrix you are aware of the energy potentially generated by the human body. Our bodies expend a large amount of calories keeping us at a steady 98.6 degrees, enough to boil water or even cook a simple meal.
2. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home. Germaphobes don’t need to worry however, as a majority of these are entirely harmless and some are even helpful in maintaining a healthy body
3. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. While you may not be able to bench press much with your tongue, it is in fact the strongest muscle in your body in proportion to its size. i guess its because it gets quite a workout throughout the day seeing as we eat, swallow, talk everyday.
4. There are mites living in your eyelashes; and the older you are and the more oily your skin, the more likely that statement is true. Yes It’s weird and very disturbing to think about – but many people have teeny tiny little mites living in their eyelashes. These microscopic creatures are long and narrow. They live in the hair follicles and pores of your face, where they feed on oils and dead skin cells.
5. You Shed Over 8 Pounds Of Skin Each Year. Yes, we shed our skin too. Shedding is more commonly associated with animals, but just check out these gross human shedding facts
Between 30,000 – 40,000 of your skin cells fall off per hour.
You shed over 8 pounds of dead skin per year.
Trillions of dust mites live in your house and eat all that dead skin. : Source
6. It’s possible for your body to survive without a surprisingly large fraction of its internal organs. Even if you lose your stomach, your spleen, 75% of your liver, 80% of your intestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from your pelvic and groin area, you wouldn’t be very healthy, but you would live.
7. The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Or any other encyclopedia for that matter. Scientists have yet to settle on a definitive amount, but the storage capacity of the brain in electronic terms is thought to be between 3 or even 1,000 terabytes. The National Archives of Britain, containing over 900 years of history, only takes up 70 terabytes, making your brain’s memory power pretty darn impressive.
The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades. While you certainly shouldn’t test the fortitude of your stomach by eating a razor blade or any other metal object for that matter, the acids that digest the food you eat aren’t to be taken lightly. Hydrochloric acid, the type found in your stomach, is not only good at dissolving the pizza you had for dinner but can also eat through many types of metal.