Though natural products or goods are far more better than processed products, it doesn’t necessary mean that they are harmless. Because the reverse is usually the case especially when it is taken in large quantities.
To help us get more enlightenment on this, here are 7 Natural Products That Can Be Harmful To You.
7. Salt
Salt is natural, and too much of it can cause dehydration and increase your blood pressure dangerously.
6. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are natural, However, some of them can give you vivid hallucinations, and some of them can kill you in horrible, prolonged ways, especially the wild ones.
5. White Rice
Why white rice may impact diabetes risk isn’t clear, but studies have shown that it may have to do with the food’s high score on the glycemic index (GI) — a measurement of how foods affect blood sugar levels — meaning that it can cause spikes in blood sugar. Thereby Increasing your chances of contracting Diabetes. But only when Consumed in large quantities of a regular basis.
4. Tobacco
While smoking tobacco is well known to lead to lung or throat cancer, the leaves also contain nicotine which is highly addictive and could kill you when consumed in large quantities.
3. Aloe vera
Applying aloe vera gel is considered safe, but consuming the unprocessed juice extracted from it can cause several side effects like diarrhea, cramps and dehydrationl, untimately leading to major health risks.
2 . Kolanut
Consuming large quantities of kolanut on a regular basis increases the caffeine in our body system which ultimately causes insomia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate and respiration.
1. Palm oil
A diet high in saturated fat increases your risk of heart disease as it encourages the buildup of plaque in your arterial walls. Each tablespoon of palm oil contains 7 grams of saturated fat — that’s almost half the daily limit in a 2,000-calorie diet. If you’re consuming palm oil in addition to other saturated fat sources — like dairy, meat and processed foods — you might exceed your limit.