Talk Africana

Operation Anvil: the British Military Operation That Imprisoned and Tortured Kenyans During the Mau Mau Uprising

Operation Anvil was a British military operation during the Mau Mau Uprising where British troops rounded up over 20,000 suspected Mau Mau rebels.

Nat Turner, the Preacher Who Led a Slave Rebellion in Virginia in 1831

Nat Turner was an enslaved African-American preacher who led a rebellion of enslaved and free Black people in Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831.

Ganga Zumba, the Runaway Slave Who Founded His Own African State in Brazil

Ganga Zumba was an African royal who escaped enslavement and established the massive runaway slave settlement of Quilombo dos Palmares

Amasunzu: The Waning Traditional Rwandan Hairstyle

Much like today, hair in the old days was an expression of personal identity and just like clothes, they were determined by a number of factors, namely gender, age, social status, and wealth. The Amasunzu is an elaborate hairstyle that...

Hendrik Witbooi, the Nama Chief Who Led a Revolt Against German Colonial Rule in Namibia

Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi was a chief of the Khowesin people who led the Nama people during their revolts against the German colonial government.

Francophone Countries in West Africa

There are approximately 434 million people throughout the world who speak French. French speaking countries in Africa, Francophone countries in Africa

Top 10 Fastest Growing Economies in Africa, 2024

Niger's economy is projected to expand 6.9 percent this year in comparison to 3.4 percent and 1.9 pegged for Nigeria and South Africa respectively., according to the IMF

Eugene Williams: How a Black Teen’s Death in a White Only Beach Triggered the Chicago Race Riot of 1919

The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 was a violent racial conflict that started on July 27 after 17-year-old Eugene Williams was stoned and drowned in Lake Michigan for unintentionally swimming in an area reserved for only white people. On Sunday,...

King Eyo Honesty II: This Man Stopped the Killing of Twins in Calabar, Not Mary Slessor

King Eyo Honesty II ended brutal practices such as the killing of twins; human sacrifices; and the immolation of slaves upon the death of an important person.

Remembering Samuel Doe, the First World Leader to Be Tortured and Executed on Camera

On the 9th of September 1990, Samuel Doe became the first world leader to be tortured on camera before being executed.

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Fascinating Cultures and history of peoples of African origin in both Africa and the African diaspora
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Arthur St. Clair: The Black Minister Lynched for Presiding Over a Mixed-Race Marriage in 1877

Arthur W. St. Clair was an African-American leader whose life was tragically cut short in 1877. His crime? Presiding...
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