Mr Madu

The Maji Maji Rebellion: How African Rebels Held Their Own Against Germans Colonialists for Two Years

The Maji Maji Rebellion was a large-scale uprising that took place in the German East African colony (present-day Tanzania) between 1905 and 1907.

The Rise and Fall of Sankore Madrasah, the Ancient Center of Learning in Timbuktu

Sankore Madrasah, also known as the University of Sankore, was an ancient center of learning located in Timbuktu, Mali.

Ka’el Festival: the Unusual Ethiopian Festival Where Men Compete for the Title of Fattest Man

The Ka'el festival, in Ethiopia, is a plump festival where Ethiopian men from the me'en ethnic group compete to be the fattest in the village

Tignon Laws: the Law That Prohibited Black Women From Wearing Their Natural Hair in Public

The tignon law was a 1786 law in Louisiana that forbade black women from going outdoors without wrapping their natural hair with a Tignon headscarf.

The Forgotten Story of George Bridgetower, the Black Violinist Who Inspired Beethoven

Bridgetower was a biracial Afro-European musician who started playing the violin at the young age of 10. He is well known for inspiring Beethoven's

The Virginia Killing Act of 1669: the Law That Made It Legal to Kill a Slave

The Virginia casual killing act of 1669 declared that, should a slave be killed as a result of extreme punishment, the master should not face charges for the murder.

The Creation Story of the Akamba People of Kenya

In the beginning, Mulungu the creator is said to have formed a man and a woman in heaven before placing them on a rock in on earth, where it is said that their footprints, as well as the footprints of their animals, can still be seen today.

Full List of Landlocked Countries in Africa

Chad covers an area of 1,284,000 square kilometres and is the largest landlocked country in Africa, and the fifth largest country in Africa by size area.

Top 20 Hungriest Countries in Africa (2025)

According to the GHI, Somalia is the hungriest country in Africa, a position it shares with Burundi and South Sudan.

The Sacred Golden Stool of the Asante People of Ghana

The Golden Stool of the Asante people of Ghana is the royal and divine throne of kings of the Ashanti people and the ultimate symbol of power in Asante.

About Me

Mr Madu is a freelance writer, a lover of Africa and a frequent hiker who loves long, vigorous walks, usually on hills or mountains.
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