The Newark riots, which stand as one of the most devastating urban uprisings in American history, were part of a wave of riots in the 1960s that were sparked by long-standing racial tensions, economic deprivation and ignited by a...
Ahmadou Bamba, also known to followers as "The Servant of the Messenger" and Serigne Touba or "Sheikh of Touba," was a religious leader in Senegal and the founder of the large Mouride Brotherhood (the Muridiyya) who was exiled by...
Mandume ya Ndemufayo was the last king of the Oukwanyama people, a subgroup of the Ovambo ethnic group in southern Angola and northern Namibia. He is known for leading an uprising against Portuguese colonial rule during World War I.
Onesimus was an enslaved African who, in the late 17th century, was purchased and given as a gift to Puritan minister Cotton Mather. His extensive knowledge of inoculation, a practice he had undergone in Africa to prevent smallpox, would...
Titina Silá was born into a world shaped by colonial rule, where the people of Guinea-Bissau were subjected to the exploitative practices of Portuguese imperialism. The oppressive environment she grew up in later became a catalyst for her activism....
Kpana Lewis was a Sherbro chief from Sierra Leone and a vocal opponent of colonial rule of the British who was exiled to Ghana for resisting colonialism.
Kpana Lewis was born in 1830 on Sherbro Island in the Southern Province...
Boynton's simple act of ordering a cheeseburger in a whites-only restaurant sparked a legal battle that led to significant changes in the country's discriminatory practices.
Matilda McCrear is a yoruba woman who is known as the last known living survivor in the United States of the transatlantic slave trade and the ship Clotilda.
Born around 1857 in the Yoruba region of present-day southwestern Nigeria, McCrear,...
Andrew Zondo, was a courageous freedom fighter, whose life was marked by a fierce determination to resist the oppressive apartheid regime that sought to perpetuate racial segregation and discrimination.
Born around 1966 or 1967 in KwaMashu, a township near Durban,...
According to bloomberg, African currencies faced significant challenges in 2024, with some experiencing alarming decline against the United States dollar. Among the top worst performing currencies in Africa, the Nigerian Naira takes the lead, undergoing a staggering 104.38% decline...