Uzonna Anele

These Here are The 5 Factors That’s Holding Africa Back

As much as I hate saying this, but most of Africans live a miserable life. I am an African myself and in order to change our current situations, we’ve to know where we went wrong and hopefully working hard...

Top 10 Most Competitive Countries in Africa, 2018

Mauritius, South Africa, Rwanda and Botswana come out on top. Although Mauritius ranks first among African countries, it is still only at number 45 in the global index. NOTE: This list you are about to read is outdated, See the current...

Top 20 Most (And Least) Prosperous Countries In Africa – 2018

The Legatum Institute, a London-base company, released its annual Prosperity Index on the 29th of November. The Index™ offers a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world. The index ranks 149 countries in terms...

Study: Taking Birth Control Pills Increases A Woman’s Chances Of Developing Breast Cancer

A new study out of Denmark, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, finds that women who take hormonal birth control have an up to 38% increased risk of developing breast cancer. The study looked at 1.8 million women...

Egypt Discovers 27 Statues of Ancient Lioness Goddess in Luxor

An Egyptian-European archeological mission has discovered a collection of 27 statues of ancient Egyptian lioness goddess Sekhmet, authorities said Sunday. The discovery was made near the Pharaonic King Amenhotep III Temple on the west bank of Upper Egypt's Luxor city,...

7 Things Our Nigerian Pastors Can Learn from Pope Francis

From living an austere life, being versatile to being a source of comfort, There is much our Nigerian pastors can learn from pope francis. Here are a few of the top lessons our Nigeria pastors can learn from him. 1. ​Humility...

Top 5 Worst Airports In Africa 2018 – Survey

The airports that appear on this list of the worst airports in Africa are the ones that have the capacity to truly offend travellers. In Some of the airports below, passengers are made to stand or sit on the floor...

Nigeria Ranked Third Most Terrorised Country In The World

The 2017 Global Terrorism Index, GTI, has been released, and Nigeria for the third year running remains the third most terrorised nation in the world. The country, which has been battling the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-east for many...

Top 10 Best (and Worst) Police Force in Africa (2025)

Africa is a continent with a diverse range of countries, cultures, and political systems, and as such, the quality of police forces can vary greatly from one country to another. While some countries have well-trained, professional police forces that...

The Second Scramble for Africa – Our Continent is a Sitting Duck… Must Read!!

​If people think this unique era of non-conquest is destined to last forever, think again. Yes, we'd all like to believe that the current man-made fairy-tale of definitive borders is set in stone for all eternity, but in reality,...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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