Czech Republic Offers To Pay Nigerian Migrants, Others 4000 EUR To Leave Country

The Czech Republic is preparing a migrants return program under which it will offer 4,000 EUR to Nigerian migrants and others who will return back to their home country.

Czech Republic Offers To Pay Nigerian Migrants, Others 4000 EUR To Leave Country

The Czech Republic has decided to pay Nigerians and other migrants to encourage them to leave the central European country.

The program called ‘Returns’ will be established by the Interior Ministry focuses particularly on migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Mongolia, Russia, and Vietnam.

According to a report published on RemixNews, a Czech Republic-based newspaper, the Czech government would pay any migrants who would voluntarily leave the country and other EU countries 4,000 EUR.

The programme tagged ”Returns” established by the Czech Interior Ministry would assist immigrants with transportation costs and integration in their country of origin, including accommodation, household equipment or domestic animal expenses.

”Anyone who voluntarily leaves the country and promises not to return not only to the Czech Republic but to the EU will be eligible for the money,” the report said.

”Allocation for the program amounts to 60 million CZK, 75 percent is to be covered from the European Asylum, migration and integration fund. Each individual could get funds ranging between 40,000 and 100,000 CZK. First funded returns should be processed in the third quarter of 2019″

Statistically, only 40 percent of rejected asylum seekers are deported from the EU. And while the allocation will be a burden for the taxpayers, the cost is by far less than deportation would. The Ministry noted that especially detention of illegals is extremely costly, which goes hand-in-hand with administrative procedures and healthcare expenses.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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