Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge To Guys, But Aren’t

Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge To Guys, But Aren’t

1. Doing situps wont give you abs

Sit-ups won't give you abs

Your body is made up of muscles, including the abs. The real problem is that they are hidden.

To see a visible 6-pack you have to remove the fat that is covering your abs. Doing ab exercises will NOT remove this fat, only eating less and doing more cardio gets rid of the fat.

2. The shaving myth

Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge To Guys, But Aren’t

Contrary to popular beliefs, shaving your beards will not make it grow back faster.

When hair grows naturally, their end starts tapering at a sharp point. This makes them look thinner. But when we shave our hair, the hair is cut at a blunt angle. Hence, when the hair grows back, instead of the sharp end, the hair end is blunt which makes them appear thicker and coarser. It can also appear darker against the skin as the blunt end is more noticeable.

3. Women don’t pee from their vagina

Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge To Guys, But Aren’t

They pee through their urethra, a very tiny hole above the vagina that leads directly to the bladder… Although they are in the same compound, Urethra and vagina are completely separate holes.

4. Nice guys come last

Nice guys come last

Due to a mixture of hormonal, psychological, and evolutionary reasons, women tend to find bad guys more attractive than nice guys. sorry nice guys.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.

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