
The Tragic Story of George and Willie Muse, the Black Brothers Who Were Kidnapped and Forced to Perform in Circuses

George and Willie Muse were two brothers born in rural Virginia in the late 19th century. They were members of the African American community, and their family worked as sharecroppers. However, their lives took a drastic turn when they were kidnapped and forced to become part of a circus sideshow.

Sebastian Lemba: The Runaway Slave Who Led a 15-Year Rebellion Against Spanish Colonial Rule in 16th Century Dominican Republic

Sebastián Lemba was a brave and fearless leader who led a rebellion against Spanish colonial rule on the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic) during the 1540s.

Eugen Fischer: The German Doctor Who Conducted Human Experiments on Herero and Namaqua People in Namibia from 1904-1908

Eugen Fischer was a German physician and anthropologist who gained notoriety for his work in eugenics and racial hygiene. He is best known for conducting medical experiments on the Herero and Namaqua people of what is now Namibia during the colonial period.

Davy the Maroon: The Jamaican Slave Catcher Who Made a Living Chasing Runaway Slaves

Captain Davy was an eighteenth-century Maroon officer who gained notoriety by killing Coromantee Tacky (chief) of the tribe, the leader of Tacky's Revolt, the most dangerous slave rebellion in eighteenth-century Jamaica.

The Forgotten Legacy of Anton Wilhelm Amo: The Enslaved Ghanaian Who Was Gifted to a German Prince in 1707

Anton Wilhelm Amo, was a man of Ghanaian descent who was enslaved and later given as a gift to a German prince in 1707. Despite being a slave, Anton Wilhelm Amo rose to prominence as a philosopher and made important contributions to the field.

Pedro Blanco: The Spanish Merchant Who Built a Slave Trading Empire in West Africa in the 19th Century

Pedro Blanco was a Spanish merchant who played a significant role in the transatlantic slave trade during the 19th century. Born in the late 18th century, Blanco built his fortune by establishing a slave trading empire in West Africa

Code Noir: The Decree that Once Regulated the Lives of African Slaves in French Colonies

The Code’s sixty articles regulated the life, death, purchase, religion, and treatment of slaves by their masters in all French colonies. The Code Noir also known as the Black Code was a decree originally passed by France's King Louis...

King Mwanga II: The Alleged Bisexual African King who Fought Against the Christianization of His Kingdom

King Mwanga II of Buganda, also known as Danieri Basammula-Ekkere Mwanga II Mukasa, was a Ugandan monarch who ruled over the Kingdom of Buganda (Uganda) in the late 19th century.

Tacky’s War: The Brutal Slave Rebellion that Shook the British Empire in the 18th Century

Tacky's Rebellion began on April 7, 1760, on the frontier of St. Mary Parish in Jamaica. Tacky and a group of followers, consisting of both men and women, organized a coordinated attack on several plantations, killing overseers and other white colonists, and freeing enslaved people.

The Little-Known Story of Millie and Christine McKoy: Conjoined Twins Born into Slavery Who Rose to Fame as Entertainers

Twin sisters Millie and Christine McKoy were conjoined twins born into slavery, who later became one of the most notable “human oddities” attractions in the world. Billed as the “Two-Headed Girl” and also the “Two-Headed Nightingale,” the sisters delighted...
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