
4 Roman Catholic Popes Who Allegedly Died During Sex

The Catholic Church has had a long and rich history, with 266 popes having served since the church's inception. While most popes have passed away peacefully, there have been some allegations throughout history that certain Roman Catholic Popes who...

​The 7 Most Disturbing and gruesome Human Experiments in History

Some of the human experiment below are so disturbing and gruesome that even i couldn't bring myself not to tear up.  Here are the 7 most disturbing and gruesome human experiments in history. 1. Testicular implants Dr. Leo Stanley, was the...

10 Enlightening Facts About Africa That Seem Overstated But Aren’t

Africa is a beautiful continent with lots of history, most of them are well known and some aren't. Here are 10 enlightening facts about Africa that seem overstated but aren’t 1. The Human Race Is Of African Origin. The oldest known...

7 Gross And Surprising Hygiene Practices From History

Here are 7 gross and surprising hygiene practices from history. 1. Childbirth Potions advocated for childbirth in the middle ages included rubbing the flanks of the expectant mother with rose oil, giving her vinegar and sugar to drink, or applying poultices...

7 Notable Mercenaries That Fought Alongside Biafran Soldiers During The Civil War

During the Biafran war, there was no official support for the Biafran Army by any nation throughout the war. So to improve their chances of winning the war, foreign mercenaries were employed by Biafra to help fight for the...
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The Hermosa: How an American Shipwreck in the Bahamas Led to the Liberation of 38 Enslaved Africans

In 1840, the American slave ship Hermosa ran aground in British Bahamas while transporting 38 enslaved Africans from Richmond,...
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