Just Like Rwanda, South Sudan Bans Bleaching Cream

South Sudan government has banned the importation and of skin lightening and bleaching products apparently to protect the people of South Sudan from being exposed to harmful chemicals used in manufacturing skin bleaching cosmetics.

South Sudan Bans Bleaching Cream

South Sudan has followed Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Rwanda in cracking down on skin bleaching products that contain chemicals like hydroquinone and mercury, which have been linked to skin cancer and kidney and liver damage

Mawien Atem Mawien, secretary general of DFCA, said the ban seeks to protect the people of South Sudan from being exposed to harmful chemicals used in manufacturing skin bleaching cosmetics.

“All the whitening or bleaching creams are prohibited for import without any approval from DFCA , most especially those that contain mercury and hydroquinone , ’’ Mawien told reporters on Tuesday.

The regulatory body ordered all cosmetic dealers in the country to obtain new import licences in an effort to regulate their business.

“it is very clear that cosmetics are being used in South Sudan without any discrimination despite the fact that they contain so many chemicals.

“No cosmetics will be brought to the Republic of South Sudan without the approval of DFCA . Anything outside the right channel will be deemed illegal , ’’ Mawien said.

Skin lightening or whitening is common in South Sudan , especially among the youth.

It however remains unclear whether the ban will be effective as several other bans on polythene bags and export of charcoal have so far failed to materialise.

South Sudan’s ban follows similar moves by Rwanda , South Africa, Kenya and Ghana , where the importation of such products is prohibited.

According to the World Health Organisation , skin bleaching using soaps or creams containing chemicals such as mercury can cause diverse health effects on the human body.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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