Mafi Dove – The Ghanaian Village Where Childbirth Is A Taboo

In Ghana’s Mafi-Dove community in Central Tongu district of the Volta Region, located along the Accra-Aflao road, it’s a taboo for a woman to give birth in the community.

Mafi Dove – The Ghanaian Village Where Childbirth Is Taboo

The village of Mafi Dove, in southern Ghana, is home to around 5,000 people, almost none of whom were born here. The village is considered to be a holy land and consequently has a plethora of customs and traditions that have been upheld throughout its existence. One of these is the belief that childbirth in the village is an offence to the gods.

Because of this belief that childbirth in the village is an offence to the gods and that it brings offense to the gods, expectant mothers are rushed to neighboring communities to deliver their babies there.

Childbirth in the village is considered taboo, so women approaching their due date are transported to neighboring villages or towns and forced to remain there until their babies’ umbilical cords fall off. Only then can they return.

Because premature births increase the risk of a woman breaking the tradition by having a baby in Mafi Dove, it’s not unusual for expectant mothers to be sent out of the village 1–2 months before they are due. However, there have been cases where women had to be transported out of the village in excruciating pain, and babies suffering due to birth complications.

Mafi Dove’s unusual taboos are linked to the founder of the village, a hunter named Togbe Gbewofia Akiti. According to village elders, when Akiti first set foot on the land where Mafi Dove now lies, a voice from the sky told him that this was a sacred and peaceful place and that if he and his people wanted to settle there, they had to abide by the three rules: no animal rearing, no burials and no childbirths.

“Wherever there is evil, there is no development,” the elders of Mafi Dove said. “Because of these taboos, there has never been any bloodshed, crimes and so on. You are allowed to bring animals and slaughter them in the land, women are free to menstruate, but to give birth, no way. We are very proud to be bound by those taboos.”

Completely preventing childbirth is almost impossible, and the elders of Mafi Dove admit that there have been cases of babies being born in the village. However, these are rare exceptions that had to be be handled carefully to avoid angering the gods. The mother’s family needs to alert the elders as soon as an accidental birth occurs, so they can then carry out a ritual to cleanse the village and appease the gods.

Although childbirths in the village are frowned upon by local leaders, “offenders” aren’t punished by the community. The general belief is that mothers who break this ancient rule risk giving birth to abnormal babies, but no one can recall any babies being born with deformities or other health issues as a result of breaking tradition. Perhaps those cleansing rituals are super effective…

In recent years, more and more women have been challenging the taboos and demanding to be able to have their babies in the village without being shunned by the community, but the elders refuse to budge.

They are convinced that honoring these longstanding traditions is paramount to ensuring the safety and prosperity of Mafi Dove and its people. However, they have made a concession, approving the building of a maternity clinic on the village outskirts, so that women can deliver babies closer to home.

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Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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