Study: Top 5 Issues that Matters Most to Nigerian Citizens

In partnership with unicef’s U-Report, ONE polled 170,000 Nigerian citizens across every state to find out what issues mattered most to them with the February 2019 general election in view. The online poll asked citizens about the most important issues they wanted the incoming government to address. And the below are the outcomes.

Top 5 Issues that matters to Nigerian Citizens

More than half of Nigerians (56%) hoped that the incoming government would address the issue of Jib creation. This was followed by corruption (14%), education (10%), health care (9%) and Agriculture (6%) other issues (4%)

1. Job creation

While job creation is the most important issue across all regions, genders and agevgriups, its level of importance differs. Participants aged between 25-34 are especially focused on this issue, with 62% indicating it as their main priority. In contrast, while Nigerians outside the age bracket still rank job creation as most important, they put more emphasis on issues such as Education (younger respondents) and Healthcare (older respondents).
In the three Southern geopolitical zones (South East, South South and South West), on average 61% of the polled population think that job creation is the most important issue the incoming government needs to tackle.

2. Corruption

Corruption was the second most important issue fkrvthe participants in the poll, with an average 14% of respondents putting it in second place. This trend was relatively stable across regions ages and gender, with only a few exceptions (e.g 12-17 year olds in the south cared more about education than corruption).

3. Education

Education is significantly more important to Nigerians aged 12-17 than to other age groups, with onr in four saying thatvthis was the most important for them. While this trend holds for both Northern and Southern regions, the younger population in the south is particularly focused on education, accounting for 29% of their poll preferences.

4. Health care

Health care is more important to women than tovmen (with as many ad 7% more females indicating interest) across all age groups and regions.
Those in Northern regions expressed a greater demand for Healthcare (withba share up to 6% higher), consistent across all age groups and genders.

5. Agriculture

Out of the 150,000 Nigerians who were polled, only 6% of the total polled population think that Agriculture is the most important issue the incoming government needs to tackle.

The respondents to the poll were drawn from Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones. Respondents were distributed among all age groups. 85% were aged between 18 and 34 while the 12 – 17 age group and those aged 45+ represented only 2% & 5% respectively of the polled population.

ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organization of about 9.7 million members around the world; 2.6 million of our members are in Nigeria. It is a strictly non-partisan, non-profit organization, founded in 2004. ONE members take action to end extreme poverty and preventable diseases.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.

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