King Leopold II

Nsala’s Tragedy: The Photograph That Exposed the Horrors of King Leopold’s Reign in the Congo

Nsala was a Congolese man from the village of Wala in the Congo Free State, tragically immortalized in a photograph taken by english missionary Alice Seeley Harris on May 14, 1904. The image captures Nsala sitting in silent grief,...

How Catholic Missionaries Aided Belgian King Leopold in Committing Atrocities in Congo

Few chapters in colonial history are as harrowing and tragic as the exploitation of the Congo Free State under the rule of King Leopold II of Belgium from 1885 to 1908. While the atrocities, described as one of the...

The Rubber Genocide: How the Quest for Wealth by Belgian King Leopold II Led to Mass Murder in Congo

Leopold II, the King of Belgium from 1865 to 1909, is infamous for his brutal rule and exploitation of the Congo Free State, a vast territory in central Africa

Force Publique, the Brutal Army Used by Belgian King Leopold II to Commit His Crimes in Congo

King Leopold's Force Publique had one major purpose and that was to enforce the rubber quotas and other forms of forced labour on the people of congo.
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