These are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa

Morocco should be in your workers’ radars if you ever decide to relocate to Africa.

These are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa

The coastal country in North-western Africa was named the best country for expats to work in Africa, according to the Expat Insider 2019 Survey.

To compile its Working Abroad Index, global community InterNations gathered data from a total of 20,259 expatriates, representing 182 nationalities and living in 187 countries or territories. They were asked to gauge where they were most satisfied with their career prospects, economic outlook, job security and work-life balance.

For the rankings themselves, participants were asked to rate up to 48 different factors concerning various aspects of life abroad on a scale of one to seven.

Some African countries ranked highest in certain categories — Morocco is best for personal happiness and work & leisure, while Kenya was ranked high in ease of settling in and feeling at home — but a combination of high marks in personal happiness, finding friends, friendliness, cost of living, working and personal finance helped Morocco secure the top spot for expat workers in Africa.

The survey results are published in this report in the form of an overall ranking of common expat destinations and plenty of
additional information regarding five topical indices: Quality of Life, Ease of Settling In, Working Abroad, Family Life, and Personal Finance. For a country or territory to be listed in any of the indices and in the overall ranking, a sample size
of at least 75 survey participants per destination is required.

Working abroad has its challenges, but the research shows it can pay off: below are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa.

Here are the top African countries where expats are happy with their working lives. (The survey results are in the form of an overall ranking of common expat destinations and plenty of additional information)

1. Morocco

These are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa

7th – personal happiness
42nd – safety and security
27th – Leisure options
47th – quality of life
59th – digital life
51st – health and well being
50th – travel and transportation
18th – finding friends
13th – friendliness
42nd – language
33rd – feeling at home
28th – Ease of settling in
13th – work and leisure
26th – career prospects and satisfaction
50th – economy and job security
19th – cost of living
19th – personal finance

2. Kenya

18th – personal happiness
58th – safety and security
12th – Leisure options
57th – quality of life
27th – digital life
53rd – health and well being
53rd – travel and transportation
8th – finding friends
21st – friendliness
4th – language
16th – feeling at home
7th – Ease of settling in
26th – work and leisure
32nd – career prospects and satisfaction
56th – economy and job security
45th – cost of living
53rd – personal finance

3. Egypt

Best Countries  to Work in Africa

51st – personal happiness
52nd – safety and security
38th – Leisure options
59th – quality of life
61st – digital life
58th – health and well being
52nd – travel and transportation
21st – finding friends
23rd – friendliness
39th – language
38th – feeling at home
33rd – Ease of settling in
48th – work and leisure
50th – career prospects and satisfaction
55th – economy and job security
14th – cost of living
30th – personal finance

4. South Africa

These are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa

42nd – personal happiness
63rd – safety and security
8th – Leisure options
57th – quality of life
49th – digital life
34th – health and well being
55th – travel and transportation
29th – finding friends
37th – friendliness
19th – language
36th – feeling at home
34th – Ease of settling in
38th – work and leisure
46th – career prospects and satisfaction
60th – economy and job security
26th – cost of living
56th – personal finance
19th – cost of childcare
22nd – availability of child care education
35th – family well-being
30th – quality of education
26th – family life

5. Nigeria

These are the Best Countries to Move to if you Want to Work in Africa

59th – personal happiness
62nd – safety and security
59th – Leisure options
64th – quality of life
63rd – digital life
64th – health and well being
64th – travel and transportation
22nd – finding friends
30th – friendliness
10th – language
55th – feeling at home
31st – Ease of settling in
47th – work and leisure
16th – career prospects and satisfaction
57th – economy and job security
55th – cost of living
20th – personal finance

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


  1. […] Africa, Egypt remains the most visited destination in Africa in […]


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