Top 10 Best African Countries To Do Business In 2018 – Forbes

Forbes recently released their list of best countries to do business in 2018 and Africa was ‘well represented’.

Top 10 Best African Countries To Do Business In 2018 - Forbes

The list of the Best Countries for Business was determined by rating 153 nations on 15 different factors including property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), red tape and investor protection. Each category was equally weighted.

More: Top 10 Largest Economies In Africa 2017

Rounding out the top five best african countries to do business in 2018 are Mauritius, South Africa, Botswana, Rwanda and Seycheles.

Coincidentally, the first four African countries on the list were also ranked among the Top 5 most competitive countries in Africa 2017.

African nations populate the worst countries for business with six of the bottom 10. Most of these countries fare poorly on innovation, trade freedom and investor protection.

Chad ranks last for the third straight year. The landlocked African nation suffers from a lack of infrastructure and trained workers, as well as high levels of bureaucracy and corruption.

MORE: Top 7 Most Influential Countries in Africa 2017

Anyways, According to Forbes, These Here Are The Top 10 Best African Countries For Business in 2018

Country Rank in Africa Rank in World
Mauritius 1 41
South Africa 2 48
Botswana 3 76
Rwanda 4 79
Seychelles 5 82
Ghana 6 85
Namibia 7 86
Senegal 8 89
Cape Verde 9 90
Kenya 10 91

Others on the list include

11. Zambia
12. Tunisia
13. Egypt
14. Uganda
15. Burkina Faso
16. Tanzania
17. Nigeria
18. Niger
19. Cote d’Ivoire
20. Madagascar
21. Algeria
22. Lesotho
23. Mali
24. Mozambique
25. Swaziland
26. Angola
27. Gabon
28. Sierra Leone
29. Cameroon
30. Malawi
31. Ethiopia
32. Liberia
33. Democratic republic of the Congo
34. Mauritania
35. Togo
36. Zimbabwe
37. Burundi
38. Guinea
39. Libya
40. Gambia
41. Chad

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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