Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History

Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History

What was going through the mind of the people on this list while they were carrying out their evil acts we may never know. But one thing we do know for sure is that there are a lot of messed up people here on earth. Here are the Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History

1. Mandalay Bay Shooting, Las Vegas (2017)

Mandalay bay massacre


Dead: 50+

Injured: 400+

Many people were killed and many were left injured following a mass shooting that occured during a country music festival in Las Vegas.

The gunman stephen craig paddock, 63 was apprehended on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that towers over the area where the music festival was in full swing.

He carried out the act From his room on the 32nd floor of a glitzy hotel, he fired shot after shot down on the crowd of about 22,000, killing over 50 and leaving over 400 people injured.

2. Pulse Orlando Nightclub Shooting, Orlando (2016)

Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History


Dead: 49

Injured: 58

On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 58 others in a terrorist attack/hate crime inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States.

He was shot and killed by Orlando Police Department (OPD) officers after a three-hour standoff.

Till date It is still the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT people in United States history, and the second deadliest mass shooting by a single shooter in the United States.

3. Virginia Tech Massacre, Virginia (2007)

Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History


Dead: 32

Injured: 17

The Virginia Tech shootin occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. The perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks
After the deed, Cho killed himself.

4. Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Connecticut (2012)


Dead: 27

Injured: 0

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members. Prior to driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home.
Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

5. Luby’s Cafeteria Massacre, Texas (1991)

 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History


Dead: 23

Injured: 20

In 1991, 35-year-old unemployed and son of a housewife and retired Army officer George “Jo Jo” Hennard walked into a cafeteria and opened fire with a handgun. He loaded and emptied his gun several times, leaving 23 people dead . Then he killed himself.

6. McDonald’s restaurant in San Ysidro, Calif. (1984)

10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In modern U.S. History


Dead: 21

Injured: 19

James Oliver Huberty, a 41-year-old unemployed security guard, opened fire on a McDonald’s in San Ysidro using a shotgun and a pistol.

He killed 21 people and wounded 19. He was killed by police.

7. University of Texas Tower Massacre, Texas (1966)

US Massacre


Dead: 15

Injured: 31

Charles Whitman, a 25-year-old student who had served with the Marines, murdered his mother and his wife before climbing the University of Texas Tower with six firearms, from there he opened fire on persons indiscriminately on the surrounding campus and streets. Over the next 96 minutes he shot and killed fifteen people including one unborn child and injured thirty-one others; another victim died in a hospital and the final victim died from the lingering effects of his wounds in 2001, but his death was ruled a homicide.

The incident ended when police reached Whitman and shot him dead.

8. Columbine High School Shooting, Colorado (1999)

Colombine High School Shooting


Dead: 13

Injured: 24

Columbine High School students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold planned a complex attack in April of 1999 that involved bombs, explosive devices and guns to murder their school mates.

The two gunmen first placed a bomb into a field on the morning of the shootings, hoping it would distract local firemen and policemen. They then transported bombs into the school cafeteria, which would have killed all 488 people inside if they had exploded properly. They began their shootings there, then moved to the library where they set off more bombs before they both committing suicide.

They succeeded in killing 13 people and injuring 24.

9. Edmond Post Office Shooting, Oklahoma (1986)

worst American massacre


Dead: 14

Injured: 6

The Edmond post office shooting occurred in Edmond, Oklahoma, on August 20, 1986. During a deadly rampage that lasted less than fifteen minutes, postal worker Patrick Sherrill pursued and shot twenty co-workers, killing fourteen of them, before committing suicide.

10. Inland Regional Center Shooting, California (2015)

Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History


Dead: 14

Injured: 22

Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, opened fire inside the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. After successfully killing 14 people, and injuring 22, the couple fled in a rented SUV. But Four hours later, police pursued their vehicle and killed them in a shootout.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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