The Social Progress Index, produced by the Non Profit Social Progress Imperative, measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens. The below list are the least Socially Progressive Countries in Africa.
The index ranks countries on how socially progresive they are.
It does the ranking by observing the social and environmental outcome of a society using wellness (including health, shelter, sanitation), foundation of well being, equality, inclusion, sustainability, personal freedom, opportunity and safety as a yardstick, rather than the economic factors.
In the latest ranking of the socially progressive countries in the world, African countries were poorly ranked…
Considering the fact that the continent is generally plagued by a plethora of challenges, it comes as no surprise that the bottom feeders in the world ranking of the socially progressive countries are mostly from Africa.
Top 10 Least Socially Progressive Countries in Afica…
10. Mauritania
9. Madagascar
8. Liberia
7. Sierra Leone
6. Ethiopia
5. Guinea
4. Niger
3. Angola
2. Chad
1. Central African Republic
**The index measures the social progress of the countries above using 53 indicators across areas including personal safety, environmental quality, personal freedom and choice, and nutrition and basic medical care.
It’s worth noting that Aside from Sierra leone, no other nation in the list above made it into UN’s Top 10 Happiest Countries In Africa…
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