Being raised by Nigerian parents can be heart wrenching at times, especially when they are strict. Here Things Only Nigerians Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand
1. You’ve spent years dreaming of rebellion in the form of making spontaneous plans or going against their wishes.
2. You always changed the channel if your parents walked in on you watching a movie – especially when you think the characters might kiss. well, to be honest, even the not so strict Nigerian parents are not always elated when they see their kid watching a kissing scene.
3. You’ve never talked back to your parents, so your impulse reaction when you witness your friends talking back to their parents is open-mouthed shock.
4. You also always had to wait until they were in a good mood before asking for anything.
5. Before asking for permission to do anything, you would first of all come up with answers to questions you know they’d ask.
6. And the most annoying: family dinner conversations were never about your social life, but always revolved around your academics.
7. Going out when your parents are around is not allowed, not even when you ask for permission. Unless you are a good liar.
8. You Always have to leave the sitting room whenever any of your parent come in. Mostly because there’s always an awkward silence when you are with them.
9. Pretending to read whenever you hear them walking towards your room.
Most Nigerians parents don’t like seeing their children do anything other than read their books
10. Having to lie about everything you need; not because you like lying, but because its the only way you can get them to say yes.
Having strict Nigerian parents can be traumatic, my heart goes out tothose of you with strict parents.