7 African Countries Make List Of Top 20 Most Dangerous Countries In The World

The World Economic Forum ranked 136 countries in its biennial report on tourism with a security section.

The index measures world peace using three main themes:

  • The level of security and safety in society
  • The scale of domestic and international conflicts
  • The degree of militarization

The report ranked Finland as the safest country in the world, while Colombia was ranked as the most dangerous in the world.

Most dangerous countries in Africa

Nigeria was also ranked as thr most dangerous coyntry in africa and 5th most dangerous country in the world, mainly because of the problem the county has with Boko Haram.

Top most dangerous countries in the world below

1. Colombia

2. Yemen

3. El Salvador

4. Pakistan

5. Nigeria

6. The Venezuela

7. Egypt

8. Kenya

9. Honduras

10. Ukraine

11. The Philippines

12. Lebanon

13. Mali

14. Bangladesh

15. Chad

16. Guatemala

17. South Africa

18. Jamaica

19. Thailand

20. Democratic Republic of Congo

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.

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