Donna Beatriz's (kimpa vita) Antonianism rejected the Catholic rituals of baptism, confession, and prayer. It also refused the cross, claiming it is to blame for Christ's death.
Edward Makuka Nkoloso and His Afronauts Project: Nkoloso hoped to beat the United States and Soviet Union's respective space programs at the height of the Space Race.
The Antonianism Christian movement taught that Jesus and other early Christian figures were from the Kongo Empire and that heaven is for Africans alone.
JESUS AND OTHER GODS BORN ON DECEMBER 25. Coincidence or a Case of Divine Peer Pressure?
First, I need to say that I love Christmas and that I want the festival to stay. I have lived long enough to see...
The subject of black Africans with blue eyes did not lose this dramatic disposition, considering that it is a rare eye color in a continent where the majority see through brown bulbs.
While some Pentecostal preachers in eastern Nigeria set fire to statues and other ancient artefacts that they regard as symbols of idolatry, one Catholic priest reverend Paul Obayi is collecting them instead.
Biblical Justification for Slavery: Interpreting the Curse of Ham
The biblical story of Genesis 9:20-27 has always left more readers confused than informed. Like the story of Job and many Old Testament stories, this passage is recklessly prone to personal...