Uzonna Anele

Top 7 Best Selling Novels Of All Time

The list below contains the top 7 best selling novels of all time. 7. She: A History of Adventure by H. Rider Haggard: Published in 1887 Estimated sales: 100 million Haggard’s book was insanely popular at the time of its release, and...

7 African-American Celebrities Who Successfully Traced Their African Roots

Thanks to DNA databases offered by some companies which include AncestryDNA and African Ancestry Several African American celebrities have successfully traced their African roots. Below are 7 african-american celebrities who successfully traced their african roots. 1. Erykah Badu (Cameroon) American singer-songwriter,...

14 Creepy Beliefs And Facts About The Ritualistic Killing of Albino’s In Tanzania

Persecution of people with albinism may occur for different reasons. One is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present mostly in some parts of Sub-Saharan African communities,...

Top 7 Reasons Why Men Are Infatuated With The Female Breasts

Why do heterosexual men devote so much time and energy fantasizing about the feminine breasts? Why can't straight guys seem to look at an attractive woman with a nice boob straight in her eyes when talking? Scientists have never...

7 Unarguably Reasons Why Women Cheat

Cheating is not something that is done only by men, but also by women. The only difference is that women are really good at keeping it a secret; that is we seldom hear about their stories. Below are 7...

Top 7 Deadliest Wars Fought on the African Continent

Most of the wars that have been fought on the African continent started due to greed, ethinic differences, independence etc. And even though most of these wars have ended, some nations are still suffering from the effects of the...

7 Prominent People Who Were Murdered By Their Own Bodyguard

Body guards are people who escort and protect a prominent person, that's their job, the only job they are employed to do, to escort and to protect. But unfortunately not all bodyguards respect the job description... Below are 7...

Top 7 Of The Poorest Countries In The World

Based on data gathered from Global Finance magazine, here are the 30 richest and the 20 poorest countries in the world 7. MOZAMBIQUE – Average Annual Income per person: $1,209 In the last decade, Mozambique’s economy has been strengthened by the...

7 Gross And Surprising Hygiene Practices From History

Here are 7 gross and surprising hygiene practices from history. 1. Childbirth Potions advocated for childbirth in the middle ages included rubbing the flanks of the expectant mother with rose oil, giving her vinegar and sugar to drink, or applying poultices...

Top 7 Of The Most Oldest Women To Give Birth In the 21st Century

The advancement in technology in the 21st century has seen a rise of older birth mothers not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Below are the top 7 of the most oldest women to give birth...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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The Hermosa: How an American Shipwreck in the Bahamas Led to the Liberation of 38 Enslaved Africans

In 1840, the American slave ship Hermosa ran aground in British Bahamas while transporting 38 enslaved Africans from Richmond,...
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