Bashir Umar, a member of the force’s Mobile Air Defence Team who found and returned a parcel containing 37,000 euros while he was on patrol has been promoted.
Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal SB Abubakar ordered that processes be undertaken: “to immediately come up with modalities to reward the airman so as to encourage other personnel of the Service to continue to embody attitudes and behaviours that reflect NAF’s core values of Integrity, Excellence and Service Delivery.”
On Thursday, July 25, the Chief of Air Staff delivered the said reward for Bashir’s integrity and for giving the Force a good name with his actions.
ACM Bashir Umar was decorated with the new rank of a corporal, which according to reports automatically meant a double promotion in the NAF hierarchy.
The ceremony at which he was awarded was attended by other high-ranking officials of the NAF and by relations believed to be his parents. He was clad in his full attire as he received a document from the Chief of Staff.