Nigeria, the world’s largest country by population, once again comes out top in Africa and third in the world for the highest number of people without basic sanitation.
In Nigeria, a whopping 130 million people still pack access to basic sanitation.
This is contained in a report entitled ‘Out of Order’ released by WaterAid, an international Non-Governmental Organization on its 2017 state of the world’s toilets.
Basic sanitation according to the UN is improved sanitation. Facilities that ensure hygienic separation of human excreta from human contact. They include:
- Flush or pour-flush toilet/latrine to a piped sewer system, a septic tank or a pit latrine
- Ventilated improved pit latrine
- Pit latrine with slab
- Composting toilet.
According to the report, when it comes to basic sanition, Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria, is the third worst country in the world. With a staggering 67% of the popularion lacking basic sanitation.
Some 842 000 people in low- and middle-income countries die as a result of inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene each year, representing 58% of total diarrhoeal deaths. World Health Organization
In Nigeria, Seven in ten Nigerians lack basic sanitation and two-thirds of schools have no decent toilets, revealing a real need for it to step up its efforts.
“Nigeria also was ranked number 6 in the worst countries for addressing open defecation.”
Among the other findings, all 10 of the world’s worst countries with most people without decent toilets are in sub-Saharan Africa, where only 28 per cent of people have decent toilet, and children here are 14 times more likely to die before the age of five than in developed regions.
Top 10 countries with most people without decent toilets –
Rank | Country |
1 | Ethiopia |
2 | Chad |
3 | Madagascar |
4 | South Sudan |
5 | Eritrea |
6 | Niger |
7 | Benin |
8 | Togo |
9 | Ghana |
10 | Sierra Leone |
World Toilet Day report “Out of Order” explores how the lack of decent toilets around the world prevents women and girls from fulfilling their potential.
While progress has been made, millions still suffer the fear and indignity of relieving themselves in the open or in unsafe or unhygienic toilets – a situation which is most dangerous for girls and women.
In lieu of this, the NGO entreats governments around the world to promote the value of sanitation for gender equality and female empowerment, Improve coordination to create gender-friendly toilets in all schools, healthcare facilities, work environments and public spaces.