Nigeria Ranked Second Worst in the World in Matters of Order and Security

According to the World Justice Project’s latest Rule of Law Index Africa’s giant Nigeria ranks 127th out of 128 countries in terms of how well it ensured the security of its people and property, performing worse than some countries like Cameroon, DR Congo, Pakistan, Venezuela and even Myanmar

Nigeria Ranked Second Worst in the World in Matters of Order and Security

The World Justice Project released its latest Rule of Law Index earlier this month and ranked Nigeria 127th out of 128 countries in terms of how well it ensured the security of its people and property.

Nigeria also placed 94th out of 128th in the open government factor, which measures how much the government shares information, among others.

In the absence of corruption factor, the country placed 22 out of 31 in Africa, and 109 out of 128 globally.

This factor measures “the prevalence of bribery, informal payments, and other inducements in the delivery of public services and the enforcement of regulations.,” the WJP said.

The index is based on eight factors: constraints on government power, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice.

According to the WPJ website, The factors above help measure countries’ progress in how effectively their justice systems operate.

Generally, Nigeria ranked 108 out of 128 countries in the World Justice Project rule of law index for 2020.

Here’s how Nigeria performed in rankings based on each individual factor

Open Government – 94/128
Absence of Corruption – 109/128
Regulatory Enforcement – 99/128
Civil Justice – 75/128
Criminal l Justice – 76/128
Fundamental Human Rights – 99/128
Constraints on Government Powers – 98/128
Order and security – 127/128

Nigeria Ranked Second Worst in the World in Matters of Order and Security

Globally, the list was topped by Denmark, Norway and Finland. While Namibia, Rwanda, Mauritius, Botswana and South Africa topped the Sub Saharan African region.

The Democratic Republic of Congo, Cambodia, and Venezuela got the lowest overall scores.

The index shows a decline in the rule of law. “More countries declined than improved in overall rule of law performance for a third year in a row, continuing a negative slide toward weakening and stagnating rule of law around the world,” the World Justice Project said in a summary.

Among 128 countries on the index, 54 had declines in the area of fundamental rights, 52 had declines in constraints on government powers, and 51 had declines had declines in absence of corruption.

Those same three factors also declined the most during a five-year period.

Elizabeth Andersen, executive director of the World Justice Project, said in a press release that the report shows “a steady erosion” in accountable governance affecting democracies and dictators.

“This is the third year running that our data has shown the rule of law in retreat globally, including in traditionally strong performers that have served as good examples and advocates for these norms around the world,” Andersen said. “This leadership vacuum is contributing to the spreading rule of law malaise.”

Countries with the biggest declines in rule of law since last year were Cameroon, largely because of a decline in order and security and fundamental rights, and Iran, largely because of lower scores for criminal justice.

Over the last five years, the country with the largest average annual percentage drop in rule of law was Egypt, followed by Venezuela and Cambodia.


The WJP calculated the scores using data they collected in each country through a “general population poll” conducted by local polling companies using a representative sample of 1,000 respondents per country, and a questionnaire answered by in-country practitioners and academics with expertise in civil and commercial law, criminal justice, labor law, and public health.

The study surveyed more than 130,000 households and 4,000 legal practitioners and experts.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


  1. […] abysmally in all Eight factors considered by the WJP index. The country’s worst score was in Order and Security while her best score was in Constraints on Government […]


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