Nigerians Ranked Second Most Generous People in Africa, 16th in the World

Nigeria has been ranked Second Most Generous Country in Africa, and the 16th most generous country in the World by Charity Aid Foundation (CAF)

Nigeria Ranked Second Most Generous Country in Africa, 16th in the World

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has released its report on the world’s most generous nations.

CAF’s World Giving Index is a leading comparative study of global generosity that records records the number of people who helped a stranger in the past month, volunteered their time (21.1%, up from 20.8% last year) or gave money to a good cause (29.1%, down slightly from 29.6% last year).

This year more than 150,000 people in 146 countries were surveyed as part of the index, with questionnaires completed by a representative sample of individuals living across the country.

For the third year in a row, the African continent has seen a strong improvement in its score – with South Africa named as the continent’s tenth most generous nation.

Despite the pay disparity between Africa and other continents, the report noted that ‘the giving gap’ between continents has narrowed.

Five years ago, Africa was three points behind Europe, six points behind Asia and seven points behind the Americas. This year, there is only one percentage point between all four of these continents.

NIGERIA is ranked 16th most generous country in the world and, 2nd in Africa in this year’s index with 71% of the country’s respondents saying they helped a stranger while 37% said that they donated their time and In addition, 36% of Nigeria’s respondents said that they donated money.

Kenya is the most generous in Africa and 8th most generous country in the world.
72% of the country’s respondents saying they helped a stranger while 45% said that they donated their time and 46% said they’ve donated money.

“The levels of generosity we see around the world is truly humbling, particularly when it highlights selfless support for others in countries which have suffered years of conflict, war and instability. Our shared human values shine brightly throughout this unique report.”
Sir John Low, Chief Executive, CAF

Read Also: Top 10 most Generous Countries in Africa, 2018

About Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

Now in its ninth year, the CAF World Giving Index looks at charitable behaviour around the world and shares insights into the nature of giving and trends in global generosity.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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