A recent survey by NOIpolls has revealed that 66 percent of Nigerians do not use condoms while having sex with persons who are not their partners.
The result of the survey, which was carried out in partnership with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS and AIDS Healthcare Foundation, revealed that only 34 percent of Nigerians actually use protection during sexual intercourse. Executive Director of NOIpolls, Chike Nwangwu, said despite the low usage, 92 percent have heard about condoms and know about its use.
According to the survey carried out by NOIPolls, the results show that only 28% of the general population that uses condoms do so consistently.
This is despite the fact that most of those surveyed said it was easy for them to purchase a condom if needed.
Chike Nwangwu, NOIPolls CEO, told the BBC that religion and a partner’s refusal were the most common reasons given by respondents for not using condoms.
“With regards to perception and attitude on condom, 63% of Nigerians stated that the first thing that comes to their mind when they hear the word condom is sexual pleasure, while 45% disclosed that they instantly think of promiscuity when they see someone with a condom,” he said.
The survey including the following graphics to illustrate some of its findings:
Perception on general consumption pattern revealed that majority of adult Nigerians acknowledged that people should use condom however, 17 percent responded negatively when asked the same question.
Out of the 83 percent who agreed people use condoms, 58 percent were of the opinion that people should use condoms mainly to prevent STDs. This is followed by 19 percent who said it is to prevent contracting HIV/AIDS while 16 percent stated that the use of condom prevents early pregnancy. Also, 7 percent think people should use condom solely for family planning.
On the other hand, of the 17 percent who disapproved the use of condom, 24 percent gave reasons stating that condoms are not reliable while another 24 percent mentioned that it is because condoms promote immorality. Other reasons mentioned include ‘it is a tool for sin’ (18 percent), ‘it doesn’t protect totally’ (14 percent), ‘it is not satisfactory’ (11 percent) and those that said it is a personal decision (9 percent).
Although 83 percent of adult Nigerians previously stated that they think people should use condom, when respondents were asked if they use condom, the result revealed that only 34 percent of the respondents admitted that they use condom.
Further analysis by geopolitical zones revealed that majority of resident in the North-East (98 percent) use condoms mainly for family planning and for preventing unwanted pregnancy.
47 percent and 38 percent of respondents from the South-South and South-East respectively use condoms mainly for protection against STDs.
Respondents from the North-West had more people who said that they do not use a condom (78 percent)
The data was drawn from 1,000 adults in a country of some 200 million people.
The survey was conducted in partnership with Nigeria’s Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and the National Agency for the Control of Aids (Naca) to mark International Condom Day on 13 February.