Penis Whitening Is Now A Thing, And It Is Gaining Popularity In Parts Of Asia

Men in Thailand are lightening up their penises via plastic surgery in a procedure now referred to as penis whitening. Put simply, Men are now bleaching their penises in Thailand.

Penis Whitening Is Now A Thing, And It Is Gaining Popularity In Parts Of Asia

About 100 men a month are going to Lelux Hospital in Bangkok to have their penises bleached in a $650 (About 240,000 Naira) five-session laser-whitening treatment, AFP reports .

Penis – Whitening Cosmetic Procedures Are Gaining Popularity in Thailand

The service launched in July 2017. Since the hospital released pictures of a man undergoing the procedure on Thursday, interest is expected to get even bigger.

Although Thai Health officials have warned that Penis – Whitening Laser Procedure Could Ruin the Sex Life and Fertility, of those engaging in it. People are still queuing up for the procedure.

“There are many customers” making appointments, the hospital’s marketing manager Popol Tansakul told the Daily News.

For many Thais, pale skin is considered ideal — and Lelux Hospital has lightened conventional body areas for years. A male customer unhappy about “dark parts” on his junk inspired the six-month-old service.

“These days a lot of people are asking about it,” Bunthita Wattanasiri, a manager for the Skin and Laser department at Lelux Hospital, told AFP. “We get around 100 clients a month, three to four clients a day.”
Most clients are aged between 22 and 55, with many from Thailand’s LGBTQ community. “We have to be careful because it’s a sensitive part of the body,” Bunthita added.

Penis-whitening (generally skin whitening) for Thais is a sensitive — and controversial — issue that has drawn cries of racism on social media.

For now no one knows how it is done exactly, but one thing is certain, when you go into the hospital you won’t come out with the same pen you walked in with.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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