Psychics Predict What South Africans Can Expect in 2019

Johannesburg – For many South Africans, 2018 proved to be an extremely tough year, with plenty of challenges.

So it’s hardly surprising that most people were thrilled to see the back of it. But are we in for yet another gruelling year?

Two renowned South African psychics share their thoughts.

Ursula Wania: Tarot card reader

Wania has been reading cards for the past 25 years
“We are in a waiting period, obviously for the elections in May. Many are waiting to see the outcome of this.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will be good for the short-term, but in the long-term he will not be. His decisions will affect South Africa in a negative way and he will not deliver what he promises. He will have conflict with a woman in power.

The cards also show that he will have some problems with his health and that he might not even stay in that position for the time that he should.
Foreign investors will take business out of South Africa. Someone prominent will die. This may be a political leader, not necessarily from South Africa.

Property will decline in value. Many more people will leave South Africa, and this will increase after the elections.

A lot of empty promises will be made to the people of South Africa, and their dissatisfaction will begin to show during the year.

South Africans will realise what they need to do about their future to find stability. So, it will be a year of making changes in lifestyle for many.

Theft and crime will increase. This will become an area that needs attention, but it could get very much out of control before anyone does anything about it. Unemployment will increase, and this will also have an impact on crime.

Hijackings will increase, as will accidents and road rage.

Land grabs will happen, and it will cause many other issues.

We could go through a baby boom.

Corruption will continue and get worse during 2019, especially within large organisations.

The greedy will get greedier and the poor will get poorer.

It’s a year of sacrifice, delays and not knowing where things are going for many citizens in South Africa. Some will do well, while others will do much worse than during 2018.

Last year was the year of the moon in tarot. The moon represents our emotions and it would be an emotional year for most. This year is the year of the sun. The sun can light up your life (which is usually does) or it can burn you. People should be cautious not to deplete their resources.

The challenges don’t get easier, but in the next four to five years, South Africa faces a big change. This change will most likely be a new party coming into power.

There will be an increase in children going missing. Violence and protests will increase.

The Springboks will do better this year. Economic stress will intensify.”

Janette Mckenzie, psychic medium and clairvoyant

McKenzie has been performing private readings and teaching classes for more than 30 years

“South Africa is still going to go through lots of hardship this year.
I feel like this is due to a lot of unemployment, and companies are not sure of what is going on in this country.

However after the elections, things will slowly start to pick up for the country.

There is a lot of hardships ahead for the people of South Africa.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is a big no-no for this country, but Jacob Zuma is not the answer either, and having him back in the fold would be disastrous.

I predict that there will be a split in Parliament this year.

What people crave is a good, honest leader: a leader with a lot of integrity, who feels for the people and knows what the people want; a leader who can encourage other countries overseas to come back to this country and invest in South Africa.

We need somebody who has the people’s interests at heart, who can feel for the people and what they have been through; a leader who goes in among the people, and sees the poverty. Ramaphosa is certainly not that person.

He is a leader who talks with a forked tongue – he says one thing overseas and another thing here.”

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Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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