Society & Culture

The Dying African Culture of Skull Elongation

As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. What appears to be a major deformity of the skull is considered a symbol of great beauty and social standing in the society by the Mangbetu people...

4 Lies Told By Traffickers To Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Refugees or Asylum seekers are the absolute most defenseless individuals on the planet today. Because of the urgency that a great number of people fleeing from their home countries often have they are very easy targets for traffickers who...

US Military Presence in Niger and Africa In General: 3 Things You Need To Know

The attack on US troops in Niger that left four US soldiers dead earlier this month has triggered a broader discussion about the United State's military engagement in Africa and the public's knowledge about it. US Military Presence in Niger...

Toughest African Countries For Girls To Get an Education

A development campaign group, ONE, has disclosed that countries in sub-Saharan Africa dominate a ranking of places unfavourable for the girl child to get an education. The Toughest Places For A Girl To Get An Education. Out of the Conflict-plagued duo of South Sudan...

8 Things You Need to Know About The Ongoing Malawi Vampire Killings

Despite their frequent appearances in Hollywood movies, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that shows the actual existence of vampires. But in Malawi, paranoia rules over Evidence.. and this is as a result of the widespread belief in witchcraft...

Top 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In U.S. History

What was going through the mind of the people on this list while they were carrying out their evil acts we may never know. But one thing we do know for sure is that there are a lot of...

How Christianity Was Used to Exploit Africans

​Some of the missionaries worked hand in hand with the colonial administrators in advancing the subjugation of Africans, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Karl Marx and Friedriech Engels were very sentimental about the role of religion in how it influenced the...

The Problems And Legacies Created By Colonialism For Africa

Colonialism left many problems and a bad legacy for Africa and such problems still have to be addressed for Africa to move forward in all aspects. ​ ​Some of the problems that African countries experience up to this day - especially...

South African Circumcision Rite: A Dangerous Route to Adulthood

The photo above shows an accessory worn by traditional Xhosa initiate Fezikhaya Tselane, 20 years old, during a traditional initiation process, in a rural hut in the Coffee Bay area in Umtata, South Africa. The ritual is revered and...

10 Peculiar Things That Rich And Poor People Use Entirely Differently

There is a very big difference between rich people and poor people in not just my country Nigeria but around the world in general -Thanks to inequality. from the way they both (poor and rich) go about their lives,...
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Elizabeth Eckford: The Teenager Who Endured a Year of Torment for Enrolling in an All-White School

Elizabeth Eckford, born on October 4, 1941, was one of the Little Rock Nine, the first group of African...
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