Society & Culture

Ostrich People: Meet the Vadoma People of Southern Africa

The Doma or vaDoma are a clan of an uncommon people who live deep within the confines of western Zimbabwe in the Kanyemba region in the north of the country, a tributary of the Zambezi River Valley. These people are...

Artefacts Looted by British Forces in 1868 Returned to Ethiopia

Artefacts looted by British troops from Ethiopia in 1868 have been returned to the Ethiopian embassy in London.

Names of God in Traditional African Religions

Although Africa's religious population are mostly Christains and Muslims, there are still some who venerate the traditional Gods worshipped by their ethnic region, or household.

7 Ancient Cultural Practices That Are Still Prevalent in Some Parts of Africa

Africa is known to have a very rich culture, some of this cultural practices are not so bad, while there are some that are outrightly inhumane and need to be put to stop. 7 Ancient Cultural Practices That Are Still...

African Tribal Markings and Meanings

African Tribal marks are scarifications with specific patterns drawn on the faces of individuals for the purpose of 'identification, protection and beautification'. The custom is an ancient African culture and are usually inscribed on the body by burning or...

The Painted Mud Houses of Tiébélé, Burkina Faso

In the village of Tiébéle in Burkina Faso, the natives are known for their amazing traditional cob homes which are built by the men and elaborately decorated by the women.

The Stunning Traditional Huts of the Toposa People of South Sudan

The Toposa people live in well organised villages, with different houses for dry and rainy season, granaries, where they not only keep their supllies but also their personal items.

Caty Louette, the most Powerful Female Slave Trader in Senegal’s Gorée Island in the 1800s

Caty Louette, was one of the most powerful female slave trader on Goree Island, a tiny, island off the coast of Dakar, in Senegal

Kibera: Some Interesting Facts About Africa’s Largest Slum

Located in Kenya, Kibera is notorious for being one of the world’s largest and most impoverished slums. There is no exact number for how many individuals are living in Kibera, but estimates range from 170,000 to one million people....

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa; and each pair became the four elements, the four directions, as corners in the framework of the world's creation.
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The Untold Story of Eroseanna Robinson: The Civil Rights Fighter Who Took on America

Eroseanna Robinson was a force of nature who used bold and often unconventional tactics to challenge segregation, militarism, and...
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