The Universities below are the Best Universities in Nigeria. These Seven Nigerian University were featured in the Times Higher Education University Rankings and were rigorously measured on; Teaching, Research, Citations, Industry Income and Internationalisation.
Best Universities in Nigeria in 2025
The subject of black Africans with blue eyes did not lose this dramatic disposition, considering that it is a rare eye color in a continent where the majority see through brown bulbs.
The village of Ganvie, commonly referred to as the Venice of Africa, is the largest lake village in Africa, built entirely on stilts, in the middle of a lake.
The Efik(s) traditionally worship the God Abassi as a supreme creator and like every other tribe in Africa they have their own traditional creation story.
A photographer's Rare 20th Century Look at Africa: Eliot Elisofon was an internationally known photographer and filmmaker whose enduring visual record of African life from 1947 to 1972 was published in magazines such as Life and the National Geographic.
While some Pentecostal preachers in eastern Nigeria set fire to statues and other ancient artefacts that they regard as symbols of idolatry, one Catholic priest reverend Paul Obayi is collecting them instead.
Two artefacts that were stolen during colonial-era looting by British forces in Ethiopia have been withdrawn from auction after the Ethiopian government appealed in a letter.
According to the index, Zimbabwe is the worst governed country in Africa and the second worst world, while Nigeria was ranked the second worst in Africa and the third-worst governed country in the world.
There are quite a number of indigenous tribes around the world with their peculiar cultures and practices which may seem queer to an outsider.
One of such tribes is the Chimbu (or Simbu) of Papau New Guinea whose Province is...