
46 Nigerian Graduates Breaks Record at American University

Nigerians made a record at Howard University, with 46 of them among the 96 graduating medical students. Out of the 27 awards, Nigerians also won 16. Howard graduates had a lot to be proud of at their graduation ceremony. However,...

Mozambique Revokes Decree Banning Pregnant Schoolgirls from Attending Normal Day Classes

The Mozambican Ministry of Education has received accolades for its decision to review and revoked a 2003 decree that placed a ban on pregnant schoolgirls from attending normal day classes, but restricting them to night classes ‘when they cannot...

Top 10 Best Universities in South Africa

US News & World Report has released its 2019 Best Global Universities rankings – which also includes a list of the top 10 Universities in South Africa. The overall rankings evaluate 1,250 universities across 75 countries and are the largest...
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