In the late 19th century, as European powers scrambled to colonize Africa, numerous indigenous leaders faced the difficult challenge of resisting foreign domination. Among these was Andreas Lambert, a revered chief in present-day Namibia. Lambert’s resistance against German colonial...
Dr. Bofinger was a German physician who performed medical experiments on imprisoned natives suffering from scurvy during the Herero Genocide in Namibia.
Eugen Fischer was a German physician and anthropologist who gained notoriety for his work in eugenics and racial hygiene. He is best known for conducting medical experiments on the Herero and Namaqua people of what is now Namibia during the colonial period.
The Skeleton Coast is a region in the north of Namibia, known for its harsh, barren landscape and the remains of ships that have been stranded along its shores
Cornelius Frederiks was a Namibian freedom fighter who actively fought a guerrilla-style war against German colonialists during the Herero-Nama war of 1904.
William Gibbons, born around 1825 in Albemarle County, Virginia, was an African American who was enslaved by a professor at the University of Virginia.