Slavery in the US

Gag Rule: The Rules That Silenced Discussions About Slavery in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1836

The gag rule was a series of rules that forbade the raising, consideration, or discussion of slavery in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1836 to 1844

The Pearl Incident: The Largest Nonviolent Escape Attempt by Enslaved Africans in U.S. History

The Pearl Incident which took place in 1848, marked the largest recorded nonviolent escape attempt by enslaved Africans in U.S. history.

Canterbury Female Boarding School: How the First School for African American Students Was Destroyed by a White Mob in 1834

Canterbury Female Boarding School: How the First School for African American Students Was Destroyed by a White Mob in 1834.

Denmark Vesey: The Black Leader Executed for Planning a Slave Revolt in U.S. in 1822

Denmark Vesey was a self-educated Black man who was hanged alongside his co-conspirators for planning what is today regarded as the most extensive slave rebellion in U.S. history.

Rubin Stacey: The Black Man Who Was Lynched in Florida in 1935 for Frightening a White Lady

Rubin Stacy was a 29-year-old Black man who tragically became a victim of racial violence and lynching in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 1935. He was lynched after a white woman named Marion Jones became frightened when he knocked on her door, leading to a false accusation.

Noyes Academy: The US School Demolished for Enrolling Black Students in 1835

Noyes Academy was a pioneering educational institution that boldly admitted both black and white students, defying the deeply ingrained racial segregation of the era. Tragically, this act of progressivism led to the school's eventual demise in 1835.

Anthony Crawford: The Wealthy Black Man Who Was Lynched for Arguing with a White Man in 1916

Anthony Crawford was a very successful Black entrepreneur, whose life took a tragic turn in 1916 when a disagreement over cottonseed prices led to his arrest and, ultimately, his lynching at the hands of a white mob.

Mary Turner, the Pregnant Black Woman Lynched in 1918 for Condemning Her Husband’s Killers

Mary Turner was an eight-month pregnant African American woman who, in 1918, faced a brutal lynching at the hands of a white mob in Lowndes County, Georgia. Her "crime" was daring to speak out against the lynching of her...

Wilson Chinn: The Branded Slave Whose Forehead Bore His Owner’s Initials

Wilson Chinn was an escaped American slave who gained recognition for being photographed with the initials of his owner, Volsey B. Marmillion, branded on his forehead.

Ellenton Massacre: The Little Known Race Massacre That Targeted African Americans in 1876

The violence extended until September 21, 1876, leaving a tragic toll of fatalities, with the official record indicating between 25 and 30 black men killed. Shockingly, a New York Times article suggested that the death toll might have been as high as 100 African Americans.
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