Sub-Saharan Africa

Jesus of Lübeck: How Africans Were Lured into England’s First Slave Ship

John Hawkins urged the Africans to enter his ship “Jesus of Lubeck,” also known as “The Good Ship Jesus.” for salvation, those who entered soon found they were barred from disembarking. Jesus of Lübeck was a sailing vessel built...

These 6 African Cultural Landmarks are Under Threat From Climate Change

Losing these sites could mean losing so much of Africa's history forever. From rock art in southern Africa to pyramids along the River Nile, humans have been leaving their mark across the continent for millennia. But extreme weather events, the rise...

British Museum Teams up With Nigeria to Dig for Royal Treasures in the Ancient City of Benin

The British Museum has announced plans to team up with Nigerian officials to help "investigate the history of the Kingdom of Benin", by digging for Royal treasures in the ancient city. The organisation will also work with Nigerian teams on...

Surma People: The Ethiopian Tribe That Turns Nature Into Fashion

Inspired by the exotic flowers, trees and vegetation of the land bordering Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan, these designs are the creations of the Surma tribes of the Omo Valley in East Africa.

The Intriguing World of Senegalese Laamb Wrestling

Senegalese Laamb wrestling is a type of wrestling traditionally performed by the Serer people and now a national sport in Senegal.

The Mwila Women of Angola and Their Fascinating Cow Dung Hairdo

The women of the Mwila tribe prepare a paste made from a red stone called Oncula. They then mix the paste with oil, butter, tree bark and herbs - some even use cow dung - before applying the concoction to their dreadlocks.

First He Created a Tremendous Tree — The Creation Story of the San People of Southern Africa

First Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived.

The African Village Of Bazoule Where Crocodiles and Humans Live Side by Side in Peace

Crocodiles may be one of the deadliest most brutal creature in the animal kingdom, but in a small village of Bazoule in Burkina Faso the villagers have no problem living alongside them. In fact it is not unusual to...

African Tribe: The Daasanach People of Eastern Africa

The Daasanach are a semi-nomadic tribe numbering approximately 50,000 whose clans stretch across Sudan, Kenya and Southern Ethiopia. The Daasanach are a primarily agropastoral people; they grow sorghum, maize, pumpkins and beans when the Omo river and its delta floods....

Mali Swears In Bah Ndaw As New Civilian Leader

Mali's new president Bah Ndaw has been sworn into office, five weeks after the overthrow of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. Former Defence Minister Bah Ndaw, 70, was picked by the coup leader, Colonel Assimi Goita, to head a transitional government until...
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William Still: The Abolitionist Who Helped 649 Africans Escape Slavery in America

William Still, was a very important figure in the abolitionist movement in the United States. Known as the "Father...