These 10 Countries are the Least Generous in Africa (2024)

According to CAF World Giving 2024 Index, Tunisia is one of the least generous countries in Africa, while Egypt is the second least generous country in Africa.

Least generous countries in Africa 2018

The CAF World Giving Index looks at how and why people around the world give to charity. In this latest edition of the CAF World Giving Index, data were collected from 146 countries, which represents over 90% of the world’s population.

The report includes questions about three different types of giving behaviour, with each country ranked according to their answers to:

  • Helping a stranger
  • Donating money
  • Volunteering time

The Index questioned 150,000 people in 146 countries on whether they had helped a stranger in the past month, volunteered their time or gave money to a good cause as part of Gallup’s World Poll.

In this years’ edition, Tunisia scored lower than any other African nation, with a WGI score of 20% also of those questioned only 7% had given financially to charity in the last year.

Top 10 Least Generous Countries in Africa, 2024

least generous countries in africa

1. Tunisia

Tunisia emerges as one of the least generous countries in Africa, with only 2% of adults reporting donating money and 8% volunteering. Despite a relatively high percentage of individuals helping strangers (70%), the low participation rates in monetary donations and volunteer work signify potential areas for enhancing charitable efforts within the country.

2. Egypt

Despite its rich history and cultural heritage, Egypt displays a similar pattern of low generosity, with 9% of adults donating money and merely 4% volunteering, the country is ranked second on the list of least generous countries in Africa. While a significant portion (63%) reported helping strangers, the minimal engagement in monetary donations and volunteer activities highlights the need for fostering a more philanthropic culture.

3. Morocco

Morocco mirrors the generosity trends observed in Tunisia and Egypt, with a mere 2% of adults donating money and 8% volunteering. Despite a comparatively higher percentage of individuals helping strangers (70%), the low engagement in charitable giving and volunteering activities underscores potential challenges in promoting altruism within the society.

4. Benin

Benin exhibits moderate levels of generosity compared to the aforementioned countries, with 18% of adults donating money and volunteering. While half of the population reported helping strangers, the relatively lower engagement in monetary donations and volunteer work suggests room for bolstering philanthropic initiatives within the country.

5. Tanzania

In Tanzania, 33% of adults reported donating money, reflecting a slightly higher level of generosity compared to other countries on this list. However, the percentage of individuals volunteering (12%) remains notably low, indicating opportunities for encouraging greater civic engagement and community service.

6. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is ranked sixth on the list of least generous countries in Africa. According to the index,Zimbabwe demonstrates a mixed profile of generosity, with 11% of adults donating money and 20% volunteering. Despite a considerable proportion of individuals engaging in volunteer activities, the relatively lower participation in monetary donations highlights potential barriers to charitable giving within the country.

7. Lesotho

Lesotho, ranked seventh on the list of least generous countries in Africa, showcases a similar pattern of generosity to Zimbabwe, with 8% of adults donating money and 23% volunteering. While a significant portion of the population engages in volunteer work, the low percentage of individuals contributing financially underscores potential challenges in fostering a culture of philanthropy.

8. Algeria

Algeria stands out with 25% of adults donating money, indicating a relatively higher propensity for charitable giving compared to other countries on this list. However, the percentage of individuals volunteering (19%) remains moderate, suggesting opportunities for further promoting civic engagement and community service initiatives.

9. Gabon

In Gabon, 15% of adults reported donating money and 14% volunteering, reflecting a moderate level of generosity within the society. While a considerable portion of the population helps strangers (69%), the engagement in monetary donations and volunteer activities could be further encouraged to strengthen philanthropic efforts.

10. Botswana

Despite a relatively lower percentage of individuals in Botswana contributing financially, the engagement in volunteer work signifies a commitment to community service and social responsibility.

These 10 Countries are the Least Generous in Africa (2024)

Rank Country Helped a Stranger (%) Donated Money (%) Volunteered (%)
1 Tunisia 70 2 8
2 Egypt 63 9 4
3 Morocco 70 2 8
4 Benin 50 18 18
5 Tanzania 46 33 12
6 Zimbabwe 61 11 20
7 Lesotho 63 8 23
8 Algeria 53 25 19
9 Gabon 69 15 14
10 Botswana 73 10 15


To establish a rounded measure of giving behaviour across the world, the CAF World Giving Index relies on a simple averaging of the responses from the three key questions asked in each country.

  • Helping a stranger
  • Donating money
  • Volunteering time

Each country is given a percentage score and countries are ranked on the basis of these scores. The Index measures countries by proportion of population giving rather than how much they give.

Revised in September 2024

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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