Top 10 Most Powerful Countries in Africa, 2018

According to data released by best countries, the African countries below are the most Powerful Countries in Africa. Coincidentally, these countries also are the ones that consistently dominate news headlines. Aside from that, they also preoccupy policymakers and shape Africa’s economic patterns.

Top 10 Most Powerful Countries in Africa, 2018

The Power ranking is based on a weighted average of scores from five country attributes that related to a country’s power: a leader, economically influential, politically influential, strong international alliances and strong military alliances.

More: Top 10 Richest Countries In Africa 2017


Egypt, which is perceived to be the most powerful country in Africa, has the second largest economy in Africa and the strongest military in Africa. Egypt is also the only country linking northeast Africa with the Middle East. South Africa and Nigeria, the next two countries perceived to be the most powerful, are also among Africa’s top five military strength and largest economy. Following the top three are Algeria, Angola.

More: Top 7 Most Influential Countries in Africa 2017

See the full list of Top 10 Most Powerful Countries in Africa

Country Africa Rank Global Rank
Egypt 1 25
South Africa 2 28
Nigeria 3 44
Algeria 4 54
Angola 5 57
Morocco 6 60
Kenya 7 61
Tanzania 8 62
Ghana 9 63
Tunisua 10 66
Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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