Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa (Updated)

Here is a rundown of the top 10 smallest countries in Africa by size of their territory i.e their land area. (Don’t forget to check this out too: Top 10 Largest Countries In Africa By Land Area)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area

10. Burundi (25,680 km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

Burundi is located in Central Africa, and is one of the poorest countries in Africa with an income of just $818 per person per year (in purchasing power). Almost the entire population (90%) works in agriculture and more than 80% lives below the poverty line. Only 2% of the population has access to a bank and telecommunications almost does not exist. The country is the tenth smallest country in Africa.

9. Rwanda (24,668 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

Rwanda is the smallest landlocked country in Africa and the ninth smallest country in Africa. Despite its small size it has a population of over 11 million people. This makes it one of the most densely populated countries in Africa.

The country was ranked 4th most least happiest country in Africa in UN HAppiness report 2017.

8. Djibouti (23,180 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

Djibouti is located in the Horn of Africa next to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Its neighbours are Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. The 850,000 strong population is mostly Islamic and use two official languages: Arabic and French. The country has a population of 850,000 and a land area of only 23,180 km making it the eighth smallest country in Africa.

7. eSwatini (17,204 Square Km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa

Eswatini formerly Swaziland is located in Southern Africa next to the Indian Ocean and it’s the seventh smallest country in Africa. Its neighbours are Mozambique and South Africa.

The Swaziland economy is mostly based on manufacturing and services, with agriculture and mining only constituting 13% of the economy.
The country is one of the most affected in the HIV/AIDS epidemic with an estimated 25% of the adult population living with the virus.

6. Gambia (10,120 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa

The Gambia is the sixth smallest country in Africa. The country is surrounded on all sides by Senegal, apart from its Atlantic Ocean coast. Roughly one third of its population of 1,900,000 lives below the international poverty line. This makes it one of the poorest nations in Africa.

5. Cape Verde (4,033 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

Cape Verde is the largest of the African island nations. It has a population of 525,000 and an area of 4,033 sq km.

The country Cape Verde has been a stable democracy since the 1990s and though lacking in natural resources it has a strong and growing economy. In 2007 the United Nations gave it the designation of Developing Nation, instead of Least Developed Nation.
Also due to to the country’s stable government, it has attracted a large amount of development aid and foreign investment.

The country is the fifth smallest country in Africa by Land Area.

4. Comoros (2,235 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area 2021

The Comoros is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean between Mozambique and Madagascar. The population of the country is estimated at a little over 300,000 and It’s area is about 2,235 sq km making it the fourth smallest country in Africa

3. Mauritius (2,030 Square km)

Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa

Mauritius is another island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of the African continent.

Though the country consists of several islands the majority of its 1,350,000 inhabitants live on the island of Mauritius itself.

Mauritius is the third smallest country in Africa.

2. São Tomé and Príncipe (964 Square km)

São Tomé and Príncipe is the Smallest Countries in Africa

Sao Tome and Principe, island country of Central Africa, located on the Equator in the Gulf of Guinea. It consists of two main islands São Tomé and Príncipe and several rocky islets, including Rôlas, south of São Tomé island, and Caroço, Pedras, and Tinhosas, south of Príncipe.

The island nation is the second smallest country in Africa. The country has a population of 190,000, the majority of whom live in São Tomé. São Tomé and Príncipe is the smallest country in Africa and the smallest Portuguese-speaking country in the world.

1. Seychelles (451 Square km)

Seychelles is the Smallest Countries in Africa

The Republic of Seychelles is a country roughly 1500km off the coast of East Africa. The country consists of an archipelago containing 115 islands. With a population of about 92,000 inhabitants it is the smallest sovereign nation in Africa.

How small is seychelles?… Lagos, the smallest state in Nigeria is 7 times bigger than seychelles.


Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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  3. […] Another crappy job in Africa is that of a traffic police. This people spend almost their entire day directing and controlling the flow of traffic especially at an intersection. Speeding buses, unruly people, dust, traffic violators, cold and the permeating hot African sun, are among the things they face on a daily basis in their bid to ensure safety on our roads. And for what, a meager salary.Related:   Top 10 Smallest Countries in Africa by Land Area […]

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