Mr Madu

Best Universities to Study Medicine in Nigeria

According to Times Higher Education (THE) ranking of universities for 2022, University of Ibadan is the best University to study medicine in Nigeria.

Charles Sumner, the US Senator Who Was Almost Killed for Speaking Against Slavery

The Beating of Charles Sumner, occurred on May 22, 1856, in the United States Senate chamber, when Preston Brooks, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner.

Breast Ironing: the Harmful Practice of Flattening the Breasts of Young Girls to Hide Puberty

Breast ironing, a traditional practice commonly done in Cameroon, is the process whereby young pubescent girls breasts are ironed, massaged or pounded down through the use of hard or heated objects and then bound with a constrictive material in...

Top 12: Best African Countries to Make Money (2025)

Best African Countries to make money: From South Africa to Libya, workers in the African countries below earn the highest salaries.

40 World Famous Celebrities You Never Knew Were Nigerians

Here are 40 World Famous Celebrities You Never Knew Were Nigerians.

James Derham, the first African American to Practice Medicine in the United States

Dr. James Durham has been widely acknowledged as the first recognized African American to practice medicine in the United States.

Top 10 Best Airports in Africa (2025)

South Africa's Cape Town International Airport top the list of best airports in Africa, according to the latest Skytrax World Airport Awards. The airport also scooped the top prize for being the continent's cleanest and having the best staff. South...

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa; and each pair became the four elements, the four directions, as corners in the framework of the world's creation.

The Traditional Creation Story of the Efik People of Nigeria

The Efik(s) traditionally worship the God Abassi as a supreme creator and like every other tribe in Africa they have their own traditional creation story.

Artefacts Looted From Ethiopia 150 Years Ago Withdrawn From Uk Auction After Ethiopia’s Appeal

Two artefacts that were stolen during colonial-era looting by British forces in Ethiopia have been withdrawn from auction after the Ethiopian government appealed in a letter.

About Me

Mr Madu is a freelance writer, a lover of Africa and a frequent hiker who loves long, vigorous walks, usually on hills or mountains.
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