Uzonna Anele

These Two Personal Qualities Are More Vital To Success Than Intelligence

The two trainable personal qualities you are about to read about is more vital to success than IQ, and the qualities can be said to which predict success four times more than intelligence. ​ These qualities are; Being open to experience...

What Your Facebook Status Updates Say About Your Personality

You may not know it, but how often you post on facebook, what you post about? Says alot personality. Atleast that's what this study says. A new research conducted by Psychologists at Brunel University London, surveyed Facebook users to examine...

Top 10 Most (and Least) Powerful Passports in Africa 2017

According to the ranking released by, a dedicated site which ranks countries based on the number of nations where residents can go without purchasing a visa in advance or on arrival. (This is reflected in the visa free...

Top 7 Reasons We Should All Be Scared Of World War III Ever Occurring

Current events playing out suggests that world war III may just be closer than we think... Today we are seeing increasing state aggression throughout the world. Russia is preparing its citizens for nuclear war. China is asserting claims over land...

Why Are Black People Obsessed With The Bible That Was Used To Enslave Them?

When I became a born-again Christian in 2008, I started studying the bible word for word. I would spend hours a day reading all commentaries for all the verses I studied. ​ The more I studied the bible the more I...

Top 10 Most Attractive African Countries for Investing In 2017 | Quantum Global Index

In 2017, various African economies continue to make great efforts to attract foreign investment. Which countries draw the most investors though? ​ Quantum Global Research Lab have produced the 2017 Africa Investment Index, a list based on a variety of factors...

7 Creepy Nigerian Folklores

Nigeria is a country with so many myths, traditional beliefs, customs, and stories that are usually passed down to generations by word of mouth and superstitions, its not only nigeria though, africa as a whole believe so much in superstitutions. below...

Dr. Tedros Adhanom: First African To Be Elected As The Director-General of WHO

In January 2016, the twenty-sixth ordinary session of the Assembly of the African Union endorsed Dr. Tedros Adhanom candidature for the next election of the Director-General of the World Health Organisation as a sole African candidate. On 23 May...

Top 10 African Countries That Pay The Highest Salaries

According to data by Numbeo -the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries (living conditions including cost of living) worldwide. Below are the Top 10 African countries that pays the highest Salary. Top 10 African countries...

These 5 Nigerian Billionaires Can End Poverty In The Country

Oxfam Inequality Report– As quoted by Forbes, Oxfam analysis has suggested that Nigerian billionaires can well tackle extreme poverty in the country. ​ It is true that the government has the first responsibility of making poverty alleviation a reality in Nigeria....

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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Lemuel Walters: The Man Lynched in 1919 for Dating a White Woman

Lemuel Walters was a Black man in Longview, Texas, who was lynched in June 1919 after being accused of...
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