Uzonna Anele

7 Sad Facts About The IDP Camps in Nigeria

In Nigeria, Internally Displaced persons (also known as IDP's) are mostly victims of communal clashes, clashes between Fulani and villagers terrorism (Boko haram), etc. Below are 7 sad facts about the IDP (internally displaced people) camps in Nigeria. 1. Nigeria has...

7 People Who Took The Act of Protest To A Whole New Level

In an attempt to influence public's opinion or government Policy etc, people have been coming up with quirky ways of putting their point for war u d. Some have succeeded in bringing about the desired change while others have...

6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Not Shaving Your Pubic Hair

Shaving is one sure way to remove pubic hair, but is it advisable? You see, there are several reasons why you should not shave your pubic hair; Apart from the fact that it causes skin irritation which when combined...

7 Of The Most Commonly Transmitted STD’s in Africa

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) also called venereal diseases are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. Available data show that sexually transmitted diseases constitute great medical, social and economic problems in Africa. and Apart from the heavy affliction...

7 Twisted Atrocious Acts That Have Been Committed In The Name of God

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are raven ingredients wolves (Mathew 7:15) Below are 7 twisted atrocious acts that have been committed with the name of God. 1. A  Sexagenarian pastor who impregnated...

7 Really Sad Facts About Africa’s ‘Witch’ Children

The occurence of witch-hunts in Sub-Saharan Africa is not a new story, but the problem is reportedly "on the rise", and this is partly due to religion, poverty, and sheer hatred. Below are 7 really sad facts about Africa's witch...

7 Legends About Human Placentophagy (The ingestion of a Human Placenta) 

The placenta is that organ that develops in a woman’s uterus during pregnancy. Basically it's Job is to provide oxygen, nutrients,  and also to remove waste products from the growing baby. Now Believe it or not, after birth some...

7 Enlightening Facts About The Infamous Ethiopian Mingi (cursed) Children

Many of the tribes in the remote Omo Valley in Southwest Ethiopia live a peaceful and subsistence lifestyle. However, fear and superstition - like the belief in mingi (cursed) children -  still exist in the valley. Below are 7 enlightening...

​The 7 Most Disturbing and gruesome Human Experiments in History

Some of the human experiment below are so disturbing and gruesome that even i couldn't bring myself not to tear up.  Here are the 7 most disturbing and gruesome human experiments in history. 1. Testicular implants Dr. Leo Stanley, was the...

Top 7 Of The Worst Jobs In Africa

There are good jobs and there are worst jobs below are the 7 of the worst jobs you can find in Africa. 1. Zama Zamas Zama zamas are illegal miners that are found mostly in South Africa. This zama zamas swarm...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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